Service the way the good Lord intended it.
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”-Jesus
The golden rule. Love God. Love others as yourself. This is not just a statement for our private, personal lives. The idea of treating others in a way that honors God and is in line with the way we would like to be treated is also a good mission statement for a company. Quality, value, efficiency. These are a few ingredients that we use at Waterworx, to provide our customers with the type of service that they have come to expect. Coupled with a passion to serve God’s people, it’s a simple, yet time-tested recipe. A preacher once said, “If I could put the love of Jesus in a bottle and sell it,…” While we aren’t advertising that, it is our honest prayer that we can serve every customer with a humble, kind, friendly attitude. While working diligently to bring the best car care products and techniques to the marketplace. It’s more than a catchy phrase, it’s the Golden Rule. Service the way the good Lord intended it.
We work hard to make you look good but making ourselves look goofy is what we do best.